Frequently asked questions.

How long will my artwork take to arrive?

All prints and bookmarks will be despatched within 2 working days of us receiving the order confirmation. For commission artwork, I usually work to a timescale of 6-10 weeks. However, I’ll be in touch to provide a confirmed timescale based on the size and level of detail required. Make sure to drop me a message before placing your order if you need the artwork any sooner or by a specific date.

Do you offer other sizes of prints than those listed on your website?

Yes, I do! I can offer any size painting on paper or canvas. However, I don’t offer paintings on art paper larger than A1 in size (594 x 841 mm or 23.4 x 33.1 inches). Canvas is much better suited to larger artworks due to its rigidity. Get in touch before placing your order to enquire about the size required. Some paper and canvas sizes will require special sourcing and may impact the delivery lead time.

What are ‘giclée’ art prints?

Giclee art prints are a high-quality product which guarantees that every fine detail, texture, and nuance of the original artwork is faithfully preserved. The prints are produced using advanced inkjet technology, ensuring remarkable clarity, depth of colour, and exceptional tonal range. The archival inks used in the process are fade-resistant, providing vibrant and rich colours that can withstand the test of time. As a result, giclee prints can retain their original brilliance for decades without significant colour degradation.

What size artwork should I choose?

Choosing the right size artwork for your home is crucial in order to create a visually appealing and balanced space. Here are some steps to guide you through the process:
1. Measure your wall spaces: First, take accurate measurements of the wall where you plan to hang the artwork. Note down the width and height of the available space. This will provide a starting point for determining the size range you should consider while shopping for artwork.
2. Consider the furniture: If you plan to hang the artwork above a piece of furniture such as a sofa or a bed, you need to account for the dimensions of the furniture as well. A general guideline is that the artwork should be around 2/3 to 3/4 of the width of the furniture it hangs above. It should also be positioned with enough space above it, so it doesn't feel cramped.
3. Think about the room scale: The size of the artwork should be proportional to the size of the room. In a small room, a large artwork might overwhelm the space, while a tiny piece may look insignificant in a large room. Consider the overall scale and balance of the room to help determine the appropriate size.
4. Create a focal point: Depending on the room and its purpose, you may want the artwork to serve as a central focal point. In this case, choose a larger piece that will attract attention and become a conversation starter. On the other hand, if you have multiple artworks or other focal points in the room, consider selecting smaller pieces that can be displayed together to create a cohesive gallery wall.
5. Experiment with mock-ups: It can be helpful to create mock-ups before purchasing the artwork. You can use computer software or even simple paper cutouts to visualize how different sizes will look on your wall. This technique allows you to compare options and select the one that best fits the aesthetics of your space.
6. Personal preference: Ultimately, selecting artwork is a highly personal decision. It's essential to choose something that resonates with you and speaks to your individual taste. If you find a piece that you truly love, don't be afraid to go for it, even if it doesn't strictly follow the size guidelines mentioned above.

If your question hasn’t been answered, get in touch!